1. A free ticket to the Celestial Kingdom with my family, all-inclusive. Okay, we're going to assume that is against the rules, too, and at any rate, I wouldn't want to cheat my way in--I'd want to earn it of course. So my real number one is:
1. A comfortable home on the lake or ocean with enough space for my six or seven children and for guests. And if it can be included in the same wish, a car and a boat that fit all of us. All I want is to be surrounded by family in a place I love. The very idea fills me with happiness!
2. The ability to apparate/disapparate. This would be really convenient so that I could live where I want but pop in on family members at their request. Obviously I'd also be able to side-along apparate so Dalin and Tenley can come with me. We could have breakfast with my family in New Hampshire then apparate to Idaho for dinner with my in-laws. Plus, plane tickets and long car-rides for vacations and visits would be a thing of the past. Darn, why can't this be real?
3. Money sufficient for our needs (and that of others). I know it is selfish of me to wish that we didn't have to work, but I would like nothing more than to spend all day with Dalin and our children. Sorry that going to work gets in the way of that...but the only other reason I would wish for money is because I would love to have the means to secretly help families and people in need. I would want to do it all in secret so people wouldn't specifically only be thankful to us but to God. Also, people wouldn't try to mooch off of us. Still, we would be very generous. Nobody has ever gotten poor from giving too much.
As nice as some of these things would be, I'm incredibly grateful for what I have now and wouldn't give it up under any circumstances.
What is something you would wish for? (I want to hear your personal wishes, not world peace and whatnot, though that of course would be wonderful.)
I wish that everybody could have children that are as amazing ahoy and Dalin!!!
ReplyDeleteI am truly blessed with the most generous , caring and kind children! And my wishes would be for them to have blessed lives !!!
So write on! You bring joy through your writing!!! Some day I'll be in lone to get an autographed copy of your first Book:)
I wish that everybody could have children that are as amazing ahoy and Dalin!!!
ReplyDeleteI am truly blessed with the most generous , caring and kind children! And my wishes would be for them to have blessed lives !!!
So write on! You bring joy through your writing!!! Some day I'll be in lone to get an autographed copy of your first Book:)