Saturday, February 1

A Visit to the Paleontology Museum

Happy February!! Are you as joyful as I am to be out of January?
Yesterday, to end the month on a positive, and since Dalin didn't have to work, we wanted to do something fun as a family. I have been wanting to go to BYU's Paleontology Museum for a while now (I just love museums--of all types) and yesterday we finally went! We only paid $2 to get in (it's technically free but they have a suggested donation box which says $1 for adults and $0.50 for kids). It is pretty amazing if you are in the area and have never been. For one thing, most of the bones and fossils found are local. Which is insane to me for some reason. I forget that dinosaurs existed at all sometimes, never mind that there were any living in North America...I always picture them over in Africa or down in South America or something.

Anyway, the museum is not very large and can take anywhere between twenty minutes to an hour and a half to walk through depending on how interested you are in reading the information with the displays. I think it took us about forty minutes, though I would have loved to stay longer (I just love the atmosphere of museums!).

So if you live in the Provo area and have little kids who would be interested in dinosaurs, fossils, and rocks (or if you would be interested yourself), I would definitely make time to stop by. Plus, I loved that it wasn't busy. Crowds and lines are a pain. This place only had one other little group of a mom and some little kids there.

Here are some photos we took on our phones:
Cutest little dinosaur of all
Can you believe these things were found in Utah?
Have you ever been to the Paleontology Museum? 
Do you like this kind of stuff?
Do you believe in dinosaurs? ;)