Saturday, February 1

Perfect Party Punch

This drink is so easy (and so delicious), you won't know what to do with yourself. My mom always made this for parties and it was always my favorite. Plus, after bringing it to the last two get-togethers the little Gunnell family has gone to, everyone loved it so I thought it was only fair that I share it.

1 can frozen pink lemonade
1 can frozen grape juice
1  2-3 liter bottle of 7-Up OR Lemon Lime Shasta OR Sprite

Sherbet Ice Cream
Fresh raspberries

In large punch bowl or large juice serving container, dump the frozen lemonade and 1/2 (or more depending on how much you like grape) of the frozen grape juice. Then add the lemon-lime soda of choice and mix with a spoon. That's it! It's amazing. If you want to fancy it up--especially if you're serving your punch in a bowl, add scoops of sherbet or fresh raspberries. Sherbet ice cream goes PERFECTLY with this drink.

Note: If you find the drink to be too sugary for you, you can always water it down without ruining the flavor--the frozen drinks are intended to be used with water.

I have to admit, I always thought that this drink was self-explanatory and that everyone knew how to make it until I brought it to those gatherings mentioned above and everyone wanted to know what I did.

So tell me, have you had this before? 
What's your favorite party drink?