1 can frozen pink lemonade
1 can frozen grape juice
1 2-3 liter bottle of 7-Up OR Lemon Lime Shasta OR Sprite
Sherbet Ice Cream
Fresh raspberries
In large punch bowl or large juice serving container, dump the frozen lemonade and 1/2 (or more depending on how much you like grape) of the frozen grape juice. Then add the lemon-lime soda of choice and mix with a spoon. That's it! It's amazing. If you want to fancy it up--especially if you're serving your punch in a bowl, add scoops of sherbet or fresh raspberries. Sherbet ice cream goes PERFECTLY with this drink.
Note: If you find the drink to be too sugary for you, you can always water it down without ruining the flavor--the frozen drinks are intended to be used with water.
I have to admit, I always thought that this drink was self-explanatory and that everyone knew how to make it until I brought it to those gatherings mentioned above and everyone wanted to know what I did.
What's your favorite party drink?