Monday, February 17

A Life of Service

I want to live a life of service. I have been trying to work on that lately. Pretty much since 2014 began. 
I am trying to be more selfless and less selfish. 
I am trying to give more and ask for less. 
I am trying to make others feel more loved, more important and less unnoticed.
I am trying to do more, accomplish more, and waste less time.

Sometimes, you just have to do nothing though. Today, I certainly did not accomplish as much as I wanted (I'm still exhausted from Las Vegas--particularly from our night camping out in the car which is a little Toyota Camry by the way...) and I'm trying not to blame it on Tenley. She's a trooper and even though she has been wanting more attention lately, who can blame her? Not I. She is just learning to do more activities, previously undiscovered, and is more anxious than ever to play (which is a baby's job in case you didn't know). But she is such an angel and I have no reason to complain because she really is a joy to have around.
Also, isn't she cute?
How do you serve others? (Feel free to brag about it--I want some ideas!) 
Has there been an instance of service that you gave or received that really stood out in your mind?