Thursday, September 12

Fun Gifts For My Delivery Nurses

I cannot believe little Miss Tenley is one month old today! Time has gone by so fast! I thought the first month I would be feeling miserable and wishing for time to fly but right now I wish it would slow down so I can enjoy my newborn daughter! Still, I feel significantly better than I anticipated I would at this point and I like my postpartum body quite a bit more than I thought I would. I'll get into that more another time though.
Pinterest is frequently torturing me with exceptionally cute gift ideas. When I saw some creative nursing gifts, I was struck with inspiration! I needed to kill time while waiting for little Ten to arrive, and it would be a nice gesture to those who would be gladly helping me with bodily issues that I wouldn't even want to deal with myself. I wanted to do something different than the Pinterest crafts I saw, though, so I came up with my own. 
 I got the "U R Sweet" and "Thank You" stickers from Cocoa Bean. I made the envelopes with funky scrapbook paper and an envelope-making tool that my mom and I purchased. I love that thing. We used twine to tie a heart-shaped rock (all found by us on the beach!) around each envelope. That was probably the hardest part. The rocks did not want to stay on. Inside the envelopes are basically a thank-you-for-helping-me-when-I-was-at-my-worst-even-though-it's-your-job-I-still-appreciate-it note. For my doctor, Dr. Pace, and his assistant Kali who we have known and worked with the past 9 months, we also got them each a gift card to Kneaders. Just because we loved working with them both so much. We also included for each nurse a delicious fruit strip bar, a chocolate caramel sea salt bar, and a chapstick. 
For those who can't see, it reads:
"Thanks for sharing your <3 with our family. Here's a piece of ours from the East coast! Love, the Gunnells"
Included is a heart-shaped rock from the beach!
I tucked them all away in a box after so I could hand them out easily.

I think they came out pretty cute and I know the nurses loved them. They were so willing to help with anything anyway, but even more so after getting their little treat (though I handed these out to most of them at the end of their shift),

Probably the only thing I would have done differently is make more--I had almost dozen nurses during my three-day, two-night stay at the hospital. Some helped me a lot more than others, but I really had the greatest group and I was so grateful to all of them for taking care of me so well and not making me feel like a burden.

This craft was fun and all, but even more, it served really well as a distraction for me during the dreadfully longggg week 40 of my pregnancy. I think I forgot to mention in my pregnancy post that the doctors told me after Tenley was born that (because of her size) they wouldn't let me go past 39 or 40 weeks in the future. I'd have to be induced by my due date to prevent another eight-pounder. So in the future, I'll be getting this done around week 38 ;)

What ideas can you come up with for nurse's gifts?
Have you ever done any yourself? 

(I need ideas for deliveries of children 2 through 7--if I have my way ;)

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