Monday, December 24

Christmas Goals

Goal 1: Not ruin Christmas by sleeping on the couch all day long 
'Cause lately I haven't done much else. I've gotten approximately 16 hours of sleep each of the last few days. I've been so tired. Yes, it's been kind of nice but it also can be incredibly boring and tiresome when I can't accomplish the things that I would like to. But overexertion is dizzying. Still, I will try to sleep a little less. 

Goal 2: Finish the gifts for both sets of parents
...I'm making them, so we shall see how that goes. I seriously need to get moving though. (We are spending Christmas alone this year so I do have a few extra days). 

Goal 3: Eat normal food 
All I've had is tons of soup, juice, and water--none of which is very filling. Unfortunately, I do not have much of an appetite lately.

Goal 4: Do more for myself
I've been very needy this last week and I know it has not been very easy on Dalin. I have not felt my best, but still I need to get some of my energy back and try to function normally. 

Goal 5: Write my Christmas letter to Dalin
We are making it a tradition. Each year on Christmas Eve, we write a letter to one another describing our favorite moments from the year, sharing our testimony, and reminding one another of our love and gratitude for the other. Our first letters to each other had amazing similarities. It just reminded me how blessed I am to have found such a kind and thoughtful husband. As quoted from one of my favorite movies, "We're both so similar!" (Elizabeth Bennett from Pride & Prejudice). 

Goal 6: Make this Christmas special
Somehow, I have to make this Christmas Eve and Christmas memorable. Very likely, it will be the last and only (as well as the first) Christmas we spend alone together. We unfortunately could not make it to New Hampshire for Christmas this year (I sure have been missing my family though) and we won't be able to head up to Boise until next weekend. I am so hoping I will be feeling better at that time. Until then, I need to make this one and only Christmas alone together extra special for my sweet husband. He deserves so much and I am so, so grateful I have him. I am so happy to have him by my side forever and ever.

Goal 7: Wish everyone a very merry Christmas!
I hope everyone has a very joyful Christmas and remembers with all their hearts the true meaning. Let us all be a little kinder and a little more giving this Christmas and throughout the new year (which is coming fast!). I know that my Savior lives. I am grateful for His immense love for all mankind. I am trying to be more like Him. 

Thank you to my family and friends who are such wonderful Christ-like examples to me. I notice your actions more than you may realize. 

In case I don't get to say it to you in the next day or two, 

Merry Christmas to everyone!

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