Monday, August 13

Our Little Trip to Paradise...

Hello Blogging World, 

We have been somewhat lost to the cyber world for the majority of August. But for a good terrific reason--we've been in my lovely home state of New Hampshire! In past posts, I have not disguised my "dislike" for Utah so I will not sugarcoat things: I really really REALLY do not want to go back there.

But, that's life, and since my husband and I unfortunately both attend school there, we do not have too many options. Fortunately, my mother (and everyone else around me) persists in reminding me to enjoy college life and that we only have two years left. Two. Years. I am literally counting down.
(Okay not literally...but in the back of my head, I certainly am keeping track)

So here I am, sitting on my computer, in my parents' home (and mine too) in little Gilford, New Hampshire, pleasantly tired, but elated that I still have a few more days in this beautiful place. The past week has been wonderful. The eighth month of the year is wonderful. 

During the typically sweltering heat of August, my family celebrates many birthdays (my mom on the 3rd, myself on the 9th, Payson on the 22nd, Donovan on the 28th, and a few cousins and aunts and uncles in between). We often combine the cake portion of the parties, because four cakes in one month is a little excessive. Our days are mainly spent driving to Kittery, Maine, and Portsmouth, shopping and playing in the cold water of the Atlantic Ocean. With August being such an important month in our family, Dalin and I absolutely had to be a part of the festivities. Plus going a year without seeing my family was absolutely ridiculous and I would not do that ever again.

Therefore, Dalin and I came to New Hampshire! For two weeks! My mother purchased our tickets months and months in advance. I was counting down in April. Every day until I arrived was just painful. I could not be happier when we touched down in our Southwest airliner in the well-forested New Hampshire landscape. The mere thought of seeing my family--particularly my brother Donovan filled my eyes with tears. My joy was full.

Upon seeing my family waiting for me behind the glass in the Manchester Airport, I promptly started bawling. Even more so as I laid eyes on my twelve-year old brother, Donovan, who had grown tremendously and was now at my eye level. As I tearfully greeted my family, I could not help but notice that my crying (sobbing) was attracting curious stares from other airport-goers, but the moment was just so joyful for me that it did not matter at all. After collecting our luggage, we stepped into the muggy New Hampshire air, but the humidity felt wonderful. I had missed its soothing warmth and moisture, which for me was like a comforting blanket around me. At home, it being past three in the morning by then, I sneaked into my parents' bedroom and hugged my father hello and goodnight. He tiredly whispered "hello" back. That first night, I truly was incandescently happy--I was finally reunited with my loving family.

The days following our arrival have also been wonderful. I intend to write about them, but it's late here, and my hair is still soaking from my shower and now seeping through Dalin's sweatshirt, which I'm wearing to bed. I think it's the first time I've been able to wear a sweatshirt in months. Having A/C here at home is certainly preferable to the sweltering dry heat in our Utah apartment anyway.

Before I go to bed, I will just add that in other news, Dalin and I will begin celebrating our first anniversary on August 19th! How has it been a year already? I am sure every couple asks this question, but seriously. We just got married. Like last week.

Anyway, I will tell you more about this past year and our discoveries from being married at another time. For now, I need to go snuggle with my cute, scruffy (he's growing a beard while he has the chance--BYU rules...), and cozy husband. ;)