Tuesday, December 1

Brief Reader Q&A

For a simple post tonight (amidst packing, sorting, and more packing), I thought I'd answer some questions from one of my sweet readers:

a.) Do you still want your February baby, since your little guy was born in January?

Yes, I'm a little disappointed I didn't get my February baby (my doctor wasn't available for an induction on the 1st or 2nd) but the good thing is that January, my once least-favorite month, is a little better now that I get to celebrate the birth of my favorite son.

b.) Do you still think that 18 months apart is the perfect age gap? (This isn't an attempt to find out whether or not you'll be having a baby in August or September haha, it's just a question about what you now believe to be a good age gap after experiencing what it's like to have two kids). 

Yes, I would totally do 18 months again if the stars aligned! And sadly, that will not be the case for me (though there have been quite a few pregnancy announcements lately which is so exciting and I'm so happy for my pregnant friends!) this summer. If things go according to plan (though when do they ever?), I will be shooting for spring babies from here on out. I've had a summer baby and a winter baby, and right now I think that spring is the ideal time to give birth (especially because I do not want to be in the third trimester of pregnancy in the summer ever again!). But I still love the 18 months gap. I would probably not do anything less than that though--just for my body's sake--pregnancy takes a toll on a girl.

c.) Have the baby names you liked changed (especially since Declan is so close to Lachlan)? Have the ones that you would name your future children changed?

A little. I still love the same names (including Lachlan and yes, I've thought about how similar it sounds to Declan...I have yet to decide how much that matters to me) and I'm still convincing Dalin about the names I love. I have found a new variation of a boy name I like, but for now I'm saving it because I'm still "testing it out" to make sure I love it. But, as of this moment, if our next baby was a girl, we are pretty sure we know which name we'd use.

d.) Would you name future children with names starting with T or D? What's your stance on that?

It's very possible! I am not as opposed to using the same letter for all my children as I once was. I do like variety though and it's just a coincidence that our next top girl name also starts with a T. If anything, our "theme" is still Irish names. It's also just a coincidence that Tenley and Declan both have some allusion to the number ten. It's unlikely we'd stick with that pattern, however, because I'm not sure we could find three to five (or however many) references to the number ten with names that we still love. But if you think of any which also have that hint of my Irish heritage I'm looking for, let me know!

Thanks for the questions, Lynna :) If anyone has some to add, I'll be happy to answer sometime.

Hope your week is going smoothly, everyone! I've just been sorting through clothing lately, trying to eliminate some of our things person by person so we can pack what we use, and donate the rest! We have way too much. I wish I could afford to donate clothing to those that really need it in other countries but have you looked up the costs of international packages?? It's slightly ridiculous.

Anyway, my more regular updates happen on Insta, so follow me there if you care about that stuff ;)

Happy times! ;)
P.S. The photo is pre-children at Dalin's sister's wedding. I was like 4 months pregnant with Tenley.

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