Thursday, June 25
Tenley Says (Part One)
Dalin and I really want to be able to remember the funny little phrases Tenley says as she learns to talk. At 20+ months, she can speak quite well--maybe not clearly, but she is intelligible to us at least. So over the next few months I am sure I will be adding sequels as funny things come up. It's highly unlikely that I'll remember them all, but I'll do my best. I hope we will look back someday and laugh at these silly things with our funny girl.
During sacrament at church, Tenley yells "AMEN!" after every prayer, hymn, and testimony. Sometimes she even says, "Amen! Amen!" It's quite loud. I think she believes the louder she is, the more righteous she will be.
She started saying, "Ow! Eyes!" (pointing to her eyes and rubbing them). "Ow, knees!" She tells us where she is hurt pretty well.
She also randomly started saying "No way!" when we ask her to do something she really doesn't want to do right then. We don't really say that so I'm not sure where she got it. Maybe her cousin who says that? I said, "Tenley, please go pick up that cereal all over the floor" and without stopping what she was doing, said: "No way." It was hilarious except I tried really hard not to laugh. Why are kids funniest when they're naughty??
"I do it!" She thinks she can do anything just as well, even better than Dalin and I can.
"Mo'!" (More) She says this for more food especially. Usually something we're eating. Usually candy or ice cream or grapefruit.
After changing a diaper once, I jokingly said to Tenley, "Hi, poop!" (I got that from Dalin...) and she immediately replied, "Hi poop!" I never said that again.
No more saying "Crap!" or "Shoot!" or "Geez!" either.
Whenever someone toots, she says in a very accusatory way: "Mama! Toooot." or "Dada! Toot." And she gets this huge smile on her face. A lot of times it'll be Declan though and she won't realize it so we'll say "No that was Declan!" and she laughs and says "Dec toot." She learned that from us because we always say, "Tenley! Did you toot?" However, it is much more funny when your one-year old calls you out on it.
"Go, Pete, go!" (thank you, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse). It sounds more like "dough! dough Pete dough!"
"I-pad/pi-pad/ice-pad" Tenley says a variation of this word for three things: the iPad (for Elmo or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse), her backpack, or an ice pack. Yes, she now asks more an ice pack when she gets hurt (mainly when she bonks her head, which is almost daily).
"ca'mere" or just "'mere!" (come here), while opening and closing her little fingers to beckon me toward her. She does this quite a bit.
"'s he otay?" I ask Tenley to check on Declan for me (I don't rely on her word though) and I'd say "Is he okay?" and now if Dec is sleeping, Tenley will poke him and then ask me all seriously: "'s he otay?" She also asks this when she sees me check on him from the doorway. It's pretty cute and hilarious.
"Hands!" She loves to wash her hands.
"Pop-pop!" Her favorite book is Dr. Seuss's "Hop on Pop." She knows what all the words in it mean because she points to each thing as I read about it (well, except Constantinople and Timbuktu).
"Potty, potty" Tenley will say this over and over until I bring her to the potty.
All she signs now are "pease!" or "mease!" (please) and "aw done" (all done) while she says them. I love how she still signs them.
We were at Target for the first time in forever, wandering the aisles of cute things and I said aloud to Tenley, "Why is there so much cute stuff here? It's killin' me!" and she replied, "It's killin' ya?" I about died laughing in the seasonal aisle.
If I pretend I'm leaving to get Tenley moving faster she says, "I'm humming! I'm humming!" (I'm coming:)
I was helping Tenley on the potty and rolled the back of her onesie up so it wouldn't be hanging in the toilet and she said, "Heyyy!" and reached behind her to unroll her onesie.
Whenever I tell Tenley she's going to time-out, she immediately signs and says, "I'm sorry, mama." Her little "sorry" is too cute and it's so hard to punish her after that! Especially because she sounds so sincere!
I've had to start saying "sit down" to her instead of just "sit" because she repeats after me only it sounds like a swear coming out of her little mouth.
Tenley has started saying, "He's sleeping" about Declan when she sees him sleeping somewhere.
She asks for "mo'" (more) horsey rides, more tickles, more tickles for Declan, more of my singing to her "mo' song!", and lots of other things.
She tries getting out of stuff now by saying "my dada! I want my dada!" ....
I ate something yucky and spit it out in the sink and Tenley saw and asked, "Was it gross?" I laughed and said "Yes. It was ewww," then she said, "Was it 'isgusting?" hahaha. "Disgusting" is my favorite word that she says right now.
She calls candy "minties"--a mix between candy and mints. She always asks for minties when we get in the car (where she knows about our stash of orange tic-tacs to use on her in emergency tantrum situations mainly) and she asks for "choc-it" (chocolate) after she goes potty, which is multiple times a day now. It's awesome!
If we eat candy in front of her or something that sounds like candy and try to hide it, she runs at you and says, "Mo' this! Mo' this!" She doesn't know what we are eating, but she knows she wants it.
I just adore our smart little girl. I can't BELIEVE she'll be two years old in less than two months. Are you serious? Or as Dalin taught Ten to say, "Are you ser-ous?"
Wednesday, June 17
Declan: 4+ months
Declan's four month stats (now closer to five months) are finally here.
- Height: 25" (31st percentile--however we measured him against some other 4 month babies in our ward only days after and he was even taller than them and they were in the 75th percentile...I'm pretty sure the nurse measured poorly...he's closer to 26". Plus everyone is always telling us how long he looks.)
- Weight: 14 lbs 8 oz (28th percentile! Yay for not being nerve-wrackingly little like Tenley!)
- Head: (I can't remember but it was 60th percentile (which is weird because I thought his head seemed normal to small).
Declan is very alert and always wanting someone to be near him. When he spots someone walking by he is sure to shoot them a smile. This morning he was smiling at Dalin in the kitchen from the living room couch for a long time until Dalin finally noticed. Dec is also a screamer. A happy screamer, but it's a little bit obnoxious how high-pitched it is. Cute, but still obnoxious. He talks a lot especially directed toward Tenley. Declan also laughs and smiles super easily. He is very ticklish. The only trouble is he gets the hiccups every time I tickle him and then he gets frustrated. He mostly cries for food or attention. He gets bored being left alone too long but is easily satisfied even if he is just fed or held for five minutes.
Declan loves toys! Tenley had little to no interest in toys (and still doesn't for long periods of time)! I didn't realize babies would have such different preferences like that. He loves crinkle books, teething toys, anything he can suck on or chew. He also loves regular books! He will stop crying if I read to him. It is a lifesaver. I don't feel as though I am as diligent about reading to him as I was with Tenley, mostly for lack of time, but I'm going to keep at it. I want him to love books as much as his daddy and I (and his sister!) do.
He has two bottom teeth coming in so you could say he's teething except he doesn't really exhibit teething behavior apart from the excess drool. Plus the front teeth are thin and usually don't cause as much pain when they cut through the gums as canines and molars do.
As for solids, we're kind of holding out a little longer at least, though I have let him suck on a halved red grape in my fingers and I recently gave him two or three tiny bites of rice cereal. He pushed it out with his tongue a little bit which I am taking as a cue he's not quite ready (Tenley was by now but that's fine with me!). Plus, even though it means breastfeeding full time for a little while longer, at least his diapers won't smell yet.
Sleeping habits:
Declan co-sleeps with us mostly. Some nights he starts in his bed, but we are very relaxed about it. I sleep better when he's by me usually or I freak out about his safety the whole night. He does this precious thing as he's falling asleep where he reaches an arm out and feels around looking for me. Then he clings to my clothing or skin so I won't leave him. It's the sweetest, especially when he can't find me and his little arm keeps lifting up and clawing around for me. It's less sweet when he finds my hair and grips it with all his might (he's totally a hair-grabber--Tenley didn't really do that that I recall). When he sleeps, if he's on his back his two little arms always end up above or behind his head. A lot of times he's on his side though (which is more convenient for nursing) and during naps or in the morning I let him sleep on his belly if he rolls over (which he usually does).
Speaking of rolling, he rolls to his belly and now back to his back with ease. He also is quite mobile with his little scooting. If he isn't buckled into his bouncer he WILL either roll off, or scoot off and hang with just his shoulders and head on there, and try to keep going (but I usually catch him). He is a wiggly little fellow.
He is more choosy about his pacifiers than he was the first couple of months. The green hospital ones no longer cut it, and sometimes he will take a paci fine, other times he refuses.
Declan is rarely given baths. He comes in the shower with me maybe once a week (I'm a believer in not over-bathing babies...toddlers is a different story) and is great. Tenley used to fall asleep on my shoulder in the shower but Declan hasn't come close to doing that. He liked putting his legs in our neighbor's kiddie pool the other day, too even though the water was quite cold.
He's a little champ and sweetheart and we love him.
Monday, June 15
The Woman Problem: Fixing the Individual
With that happy introduction, I wanted to share a very interesting chapter of a piece I read for my English class, called "The Feminine Mystique" by Betty Friedan. The chapter is called "The Problem With No Name." If you don't read all of it, you won't get the full impact. It appears kind of long but it reads quick and I found it intriguing so it ended up being an easy read. I will be sharing the passages that stood out to me the most.
(At this point, you might consider pausing a few minutes to read the first chapter, linked above.)
I had many thoughts as I read Friedan's "TFM", but a few things stood out to me.
First is this image of the suburban housewife mentioned below:
My initial impression is that I do not see anything wrong with this "dream image" apart from it being perhaps unrealistic, and that it is supposedly "the envy...of women all over the world." What is wrong with forming an ideal in your mind? People do it all the time when they plan for the future, dream of careers, make personal goals. No, I do not think the image itself is the problem, it is the perception that this woman should be envied by all young American women. Envy, in itself, is a great cause for misery no matter who is doing the envying. It's one of those faults that is practically impossible to avoid, especially in the 21st century when we know almost every detail of our neighbor's life, and yet it can be very destructive when not kept in check. But this is not on society to attempt to do. It is on each woman as an individual to look at those around her and say, "I will not be jealous of others. I will be grateful for what I already have. I will work toward achieving what I want. I will be happy for the successes of others."
Another thing to note is Friedan's mention of "true feminine fulfillment." For whatever reason, this phrasing bothered me. Not because I am offended by this idea--I do not see anything wrong with women being feminine if they choose to be. I also do not see anything wrong with women pursuing the discussed kind of fulfillment or something different. The issue is that we perceive this fulfillment as one specific cookie cutter role that is unacceptable to deviate from when this should not, and frankly, cannot be the case. This applies to women of all roles and positions and statuses. We all let society influence our choices and the result is anger, sadness, feelings of inadequacy, embarrassment, and defensiveness. We feel we must protect that thing which is ours when it is under attack because it's precious to us. For instance, I feel inclined to defend motherhood the way another woman feels inclined to defend her education and career.
Personally, my feelings of disappointment or inadequacy in my role have exclusively been developed by the constant and generally merciless judgements from other women, and the overwhelming voice of society informing me that motherhood and wifehood are "not good enough." I have truly wanted to be a mom ever since I can remember. In elementary school, I would tell my teacher that I wanted to be two things: a mom and an artist. It wasn't until I was a bit older that I was informed of the apparent setbacks I would face if I "limited" myself to only becoming a mom. I learned I could be doing more with myself. I could be doing anything I want to do. It was only when I learned this that there arose in me a level of dissatisfaction. What if being a mother was the only thing I ever wanted? Does that mean I "limited" myself? Did I set my sights too low? I don't think so. I think other women set their sights differently and decided that motherhood was the lesser of the available options. But that does not discount my value of motherhood or my wanting to be a mom.
Starting at "Millions of women" Friedan continues:
This section rubbed me the wrong way. Possibly because it hit a little too close to home. I dream of a number of these things, though sadly dreaming is quite different from doing and even further from doing successfully. These things are pretty much my "highest ambition" but the second to last sentence did not hold true for me--I do consider many so-called "unfeminine problems" outside the home and, though truthfully I do want "the men" (or at least my husband) to make major decisions, I frequently am the one making changes and final decisions within our family. I am definitely grateful for my ability to have a voice in our marriage, though I regularly take it for granted and sometimes just wish my husband wanted to decide certain things on his own. (I must admit that I am truly proud when I get to write "mother" or "homemaker" on a document though.)
At one point, Friedan suggests of the early twentieth century: "Nobody argued whether women were inferior or superior to men; they were simply different."
Friedan says this and yet I read it and glean a negative tone. Why is that? I agree with the words--I am proud of my individuality and differences as a woman. I do not believe my role compared with my husband's to be inferior, superior, lesser, greater, easier, harder, more fun, whatever--it's just different and fits all of these adjectives in its own time and in its own way.
This part is interesting and one in which I found myself relating to in some ways. I have always found the greatest hinderance to my own happiness is myself. Though I look for things to blame--our small apartment, Dalin, the kids, our location, our student status, our economical status, our social status--I generally find that the problem is not these per se, but my mindset. I am so set on having the things I want when I want them that I struggle to be happy during my downtime when I realize I'm not at a place I expected to be. That can be a hard pill to swallow for me or any woman who realizes her lifelong expectations have not been met so far. And these things are not on others; I can't blame Dalin for my unspoken expectations any more than I can blame my children. I can blame only myself and my perception--my unrealistic perception of what could, should, might have been.
In addressing this issue, Friedan shares the common responses being offered by women: "'There's nothing wrong really," they kept telling themselves. 'There isn't any problem.'" She continues with more examples:
"Sometimes a woman would tell me that the feeling gets so strong she runs out of the house and walks through the streets. Or she stays inside her house and cries."
The words of these women really hit me because they described the precise feeling I get sometimes. It's this antsy, restless, fed up feeling that makes me want to run or cry or disappear sometimes. It doesn't happen that often, but when it does, it feels as though my world is falling apart. I still feel love for my husband and children, but it's this feeling of being trapped or cooped up and I hate it.
Another more pressing reason these words hit me is because they revealed to me that I don't know how to be myself anymore. I used to--before I got married and during the first year or so of marriage I felt like I had that part of me together. But once I became a mother especially, the individual part of me--the part of me that enjoys reading and writing and painting and organizing and laughing--disappeared a little. I was so focused on doing my job and doing it well, that I forgot--or more likely, did not realize--the importance of caring for myself. I never get my hair cut, my nails done, or even just go shopping for myself. I don't just buy the things I want to eat or have for our home. Suddenly I am weighing every decision for our family as a whole with little regard for me.
That is not Dalin's fault. Nor my kids. Nor my church, even though we are encouraged to put others before ourselves. It is my fault for not taking care of my own needs sometimes. When my needs are taken care of, I find I am a better wife, and a happier mother. I get more joy out of being a housewife when I am dressed nicely, fed healthy foods, and when I have been given that short time for myself to get ready in peace. I think it would be unrealistic to expect this to be an everyday thing. In a perfect world, it would be, but we live in a crazy, chaotic world where things rarely if ever go according to plan. But even if these things are accomplished every other day, I find myself a much happier person.
Friedan continues (at "A young mother"):

The words of these women burned into my brain. I related so well to each one, particularly the first which admits "none would give up her home and family if she had the choice to make again." It is a hard job. There are days when I wonder how I am going to do this for much longer, never mind the next 25+ years.
What I have determined, however, from the words of these women are the following things:
I am not alone in these feelings. Occasionally, I need to take time to be myself and enjoy being myself. I will not always feel happy or satisfied every single day but that is normal and okay.
If the members of the church have one overwhelming flaw (and it is so very, very rare that I feel I can contradict the church in any way) it is the notion that we should be happy all the time. And this is coming from a generally very positive, cheerful person! I find it interesting that Utah contains the highest percentage of mentally ill and depressed adults in the country. Whether this is coincidence, a true problem, or merely the perception of a problem, I cannot say. But I have to wonder whether there are truly that many depressed people living here or whether this statistic is in part because of the large LDS culture in which many members seem to expect to feel happy all the time. Though happiness is ideal, we should know better--that this life is intended to try us and that although we should try to stay positive through our trials, it is both okay and normal to have sad periods in our lives.
Again, this paragraph emphasizes the effects of society and of our culture (and not just Mormon culture) on women in the home. As much as I would like to blame society fully for the idea that the house must be perfectly in order and well-decorated with our kids dressed nicely and squeaky clean and our days full of adventures and interesting items, I can't. Because as much as our society perpetuates this idea of striving for marital/domestic perfection, it ultimately comes down to us and our choice to go against the grain and give ourselves permission to not be perfect. This does not give us permission not to try. We learn nothing and will be no happier if we do not try, but we should all work on not caring so much about whether we are being judged by others. People are going to judge you no matter what. You can appear to be doing everything right and there will still be those who are critical. I can think of a perfect example of this. I know a mother who is just wonderful in every way. I admire her so much and her energy and positivity inspire me to become better myself. On the other hand, I know someone else who knows this same woman and who could not be more critical of her! In my mind she can do no wrong, and in the mind of someone else, she could do no right. That's just the way it is and it is far too much work to try to impress everyone!
This next bit is interesting:
How many wives do this?? How many mothers?! We have lost who we are in our care of others and that has a negative impact on us. I do this myself! I have told many of my mother friends that most nights when my husband is working, I don't bother cooking dinner--it's a waste to cook for myself! It's unnecessary effort. I feed my children and just scrounge about for myself. I do the same thing with going out. As soon as my husband is home from work, I'm ready to go out and he's ready to stay in! I get so frustrated about it because I feel this pressing need and desire to always be with him and he is perfectly happy to be on his own.
And that makes me realize this is me. It's my fault that I feel this way. I have lost the sense of enjoyment I used to get from being alone. I feel insecure when I am alone. I feel bored and needy. I think that I need my husband to have fun. While it is okay to want to be with your husband (of course), it should also be okay to be alone. I once had a wonderful conversation with my lovely English professor, Jacqueline Thursby, which has stayed with me. We were discussing how we have a great deal in common (despite 50 or so years of age difference), particularly in our interests, when she mentioned that many of these hobbies of hers developed after she realized she needed to keep herself occupied. Her husband, she said, was a quieter, calm type (sounds familiar!) who is perfectly happy to be on his own and read or go fishing or do some other activity all by himself. I couldn't believe my ears. "Dalin is exactly like that," I told her. Then I admitted to her that I hated it because I hate doing things without him. Sister Thursby comforted me, and stated that she had felt the exact same way during the early years of marriage. It was her husband's personality that prompted her to develop a range of her own hobbies and interests, particularly gardening she said. I decided I wanted to be exactly like her (in that respect especially).
I have to tell you I felt very freed when I read this paragraph. "The chains that bind her...are chains in her own mind and spirit" Friedan says. I felt freed because this confirmed what I had suspected all along and what I have always been trying to teach myself. The choices and opinions of others are not my own and that is okay! As I explained before, I am responsible for my thoughts and my behaviors. I can let the judgements of others tear away at me and break me down, or I can do the happier thing and build myself up by focusing only on what is right for me. It reminds me a little of what my cousin told me about her parents parenting style. She said that they parented each child individually, not collectively. What was right for one, was not necessarily for another. Doing what is right for you alone is not easy, especially in such an invasive age. But I do believe that living life with this mentality will bring greater happiness to a person.
So is there a problem? Is there a problem for all women? I didn't know a problem existed until I was told there was one. But now I can admit that I see it. I see that the problem, for me at least, is myself. When I allow myself to be influenced by the voices and decisions of others, I adversely affect my own happiness. Not every woman has this problem. And this problem is not exclusive to mothers. I believe there are some who are truly happy in their role--whatever it may be, and that is wonderful. I also believe that we choose our fate when we allow outsiders to influence our dreams, goals, values, desires (because we are allowing it, whether we like it or not). It is not as simple as just being positive or choosing to be happy. It is choosing not to let others make us unhappy. It is choosing to pursue our desires for motherhood or a career or both even when it goes against the mainstream.
We will never make everyone else happy. I think when we all finally realize this, then we will be.
Sunday, June 14
A Blessed Saturday
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Isn't this little diaper clutch from Pearl & Co. just adorable? Thank you, Kristin, your work is impeccable! |
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Some purple mums and balloons for our little niece, Brooklyn, who would be one today! |
It was a great day. Exhausting, but also magical, exciting, happy, and fun. There were tears and pee and spit up, but it didn't diminish the greatness of the day. And I can prove it was exhausting by the way, since everyone but me has been asleep since 8:30pm. I'm doing a happy dance in my mind about it.
My Old Navy maternity dress (which I totally copied from my friend because it looked so cute on her, I had to have one!) came in the mail today, as did the geometric diaper clutch I won on Instagram! That's the third thing I've won through social media in the last few months. I have never felt so lucky in my life! Now I feel like I have to enter everything though because I know I won't win if I don't try! Hopefully my lucky streak isn't over yet!
Dalin and I went to see Jurassic World with Declan at 11am this morning, while Andrea (!!), Whitney, and Brian babysat Tenley for us.
The movie was awesome. There were things I had been hoping for, like a few more one-liners from Chris Pratt mostly, and an ending that wasn't quite what it was...but the action and animation were amazing and I'd give it an 8, maybe even an 8.5 out of 10. Dalin gave it a 7.5 (he didn't like the character development/lack of it, but loved the action). And Chris Pratt is great. Anyway, we ate a ton of buttery popcorn (I pretty much only like popcorn at the movies, unless it's kettle corn) and Declan did fine (not as amazing as Tenley was at the movie theater at his age, but he still did great. At least I only had to stand up with him toward the end).
After, Dalin treated me with a Caribbean C-Burst smoothie from Tropical (he loves me:), we rested at home for a little bit, then drove to Provo Cemetery with some purple mums and happy birthday balloons for our sweetest niece, Brooklyn, who passed away from SIDS at 3 months and would be one tomorrow. We then drove to the Riverwoods so Tenley could play on the splash pad there in her swimsuit. We bought her some sandals at Gymboree since we forgot shoes (plus she's grown out of her size 4's and always says "tight!") then Dalin and I took turns running through the water with her which was great. She had fun. I also returned two pairs of stolen sandals we found in the bottom of our stroller shortly after leaving Gymboree...sneaky Tenley.
Then we went to Happy Sumo to get some sushi for dinner. It was quite delicious. I got the Cabana roll, Dalin got the Rockstar roll, and our waitress was so nice and got us some free mandarin orange slices and rice for Tenley. We gave her a good tip for her kindness. Also, I meant to take a photo of our sushi, but we seriously ate it so fast I didn't think of it until it was in our bellies.
We headed home, tired but happy and after getting the craziness out of our children, they both fell asleep around 8pm (Tenley fell asleep on Dalin in the rocking chair and he fell asleep, too, which is cute).
Now I am going to do a little tidying up around here (though it's pitch black in this place right now, which is unusual) and maybe run to get something yummy for after church tomorrow. We'll see;)
Oh! Quick embarrassing story! This morning I took the kids to Macey's to grab the balloons and flowers for Brooklyn and there was a race was going on, so University Avenue was blocked. There were policemen coming to the car windows and detouring traffic. The officer came to my passenger window and greeted me, then he saw the kids in the backseat. He said, "They're not that far apart are they?" I nervously asked, "Are they supposed to be?" He sounded confused and said something, and I tried to explain, "Their car seats used to be apart but it was hard for someone to get back there so we moved them together." Then the officer said, "I meant their age, how far apart are they?" DOY. I felt like an idiot and said, "Oh, 18 months." The officer said, "No, I'm a carseat inspector and they look great." Then he told me which way to go and I drove off feeling like a humongous moron but happy that he had said they looked good in their carseats.
So that's my moment of stupidity for the day (and hopefully the week) but apart from that, it was a great day. Also, as a side note, I have been feeling phantom kicks like crazy the last couple days and it's making me miss that part of being pregnant (I know, I know...sigh...). I told Dalin I'd seriously consider being a surrogate if the church wasn't strongly against it.
Also, (one last thing I swear!) I am writing this crazy feminist-ish post about being a housewife/housewife syndrome/women in general. It's pretty long and I don't know when it'll be finished, but keep an eye out for that baby if it's something you might be interested in.
Have a beautiful Sunday!
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