So since I work so much, I knew it would be hard to go to the Gifts of the Heart Exchange put on by ladies in the Church this past Saturday. As a result, I asked a few wonderful ladies in the ward to keep an eye out for cute girls' clothes when they went. Dalin and his sister Shaina and her husband Layton ended up being able to go for me, too, so I ended up with a great selection of baby girl clothes.
Yesterday, I finally got some time to sort through everything and try to put them into size piles. Too bad like half of the clothes were completely inaccurate. I wish I could just show you a few of the onesies that are supposed to fit a 3-6 month old. Yeah right! They would barely fit a newborn! Still, everyone found some really adorable onesies, dresses, and pants for me. They are so stinking cute! And the best part (for me) is that they found a surprisingly good variety of colors! (I do not want to overwhelm our baby with pink (especially because it is not really one of my favorite colors) so I was very happy to get lots of purple, green, yellow and blue for our daughter.)
On Easter, we saw that the Easter bunny had come when we woke up. Dalin searched for 13 eggs around the apartment, each filled with a treat. Our baskets were also filled with candy. Dalin gave me a cute sock monkey with bunny ears and some beautiful (and wonderful-smelling) yellow and red striped tulips for Easter. He KNOWS I love getting flowers almost more than anything else. He's the greatest!
Love them. |
Little bunny sock monkey is so cute! |
The Easter bunny came! |
Dalin and I wore purple and walked to church like always, finally able to soak up the beautiful weather. It was basically the best weather we've had since living in Provo, which for me has been nearly two years now. After a terrific lesson in Primary on Christ's Atonement, we had a special program in sacrament meeting for Easter. By the time Church ended, Dalin and I (and baby girl I might add) were starving. At home, I cooked hamburger and combined it with taco mix for homemade tacos! My mom always does the best homemade tacos so I decided to take a leaf from her book and make them her way.
Preparations for Easter lunch...all the Easter Fiestaware colors I could find |
Grandpa French's French Toast. I miss him. |
Why this picture insists on being sideways, I do not know. |
I would say they came out pretty dang good!--at least, Dalin, Layton, Shaina, and I ate until all the tortillas were gone so I would consider that pretty successful! After, we ate pazukis (pictured below) courtesy of Shaina (who is awesome at making them I might add...) on a blanket outside in the sun.

It was one of the best Easter Sundays I've ever had. I love celebrating holidays with Dalin! He makes everything so much better. Well in three days, I will be at five months! That is five months pregnant! Meaning only four months left! I can't believe how fast it's going. It's exciting (because in just a short while, we will have a little person living in our apartment with us and she'll be ours!!) and sad at the same time because I really like being pregnant. The first few weeks in the beginning weren't too fun when I felt sick all day, but other than some aches and pains at night, being pregnant is awesome. Also, there's the small matter of not having that one thing that only a girl can relate to...yeah that part is great, too.
Looking tired but cute |
Just had to show my mom how clean our apartment finally is...for the first time since moving in a month ago... |
A few little Easter decorations (chicks on eggs spelling out "Spring," two lovebirds in a nest (obviously representing Dalin and me ;), and a wind-up chick toy. This is pretty much all I had time for. |
Anyhow, life is terrific. Work is hard, but I keep reminding myself of Doctrine & Covenants 121:7-8:
"My son [or daughter], peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes."
Plus, after I have this baby, I will most likely be taking a break for a while. I can't wait until she is here!!!!! It's going to be the best birthday present ever!!!!!!