wednesday, august 3: Olivia's mom's (Linda) 44th birthday! surely that means a trip to the ocean and probably some lobster. also, Olivia has an eye appointment.
thursday, august 4: haircut for Olivia and Linda at Ché Bella, cake sampling with Aunt Dianne
friday, august 5: wedding hair styling practices with Sister Barbara Gumbs (see ideas at bottom)
saturday, august 6: Elisabeth & Ben Gringeri reception
sunday, august 7: church at 10,
tuesday, august 9: Olivia's 20th birthday...woohoo...
monday, august 15: Dalin flies out of Salt Lake for NH, Olivia gets nails done
tuesday, august 16: Dalin arrives at 1am at Manchester Airport, stay at Aunt Pam and Uncle Bob's house in Andover, MA, apply for marriage license in Belmont, MA, return to NH
wednesday, august 17: Olivia gets endowed in Boston Temple with Dalin there, JeNeale & Brent (and other Gunnells) fly out
thursday, august 18: decorate reception tables at the O
friday, august 19: pick up marriage license in Belmont, Olivia and Dalin get married for time and all eternity in the Boston Temple, family luncheon at the Common Man, reception at the Opechee Inn (the "O"), stay at the Silver Fountain Bed & Breakfast
saturday, august 20: drive to Augusta, ME and enjoy the Senator Inn and Spa
sunday, august 21: church in Augusta, relax
monday, august 22: Payson's 19th birthday! head to Andy & Molly's in Portsmouth (visit downtown and Kittery area)
tuesday, august 23: spend more time in Portsmouth, ocean
wednesday, august 24: stay the night in Boston, enjoy it
thursday, august 25: drive to Manchester airport, fly to Salt Lake, drive to Caldwell
friday, august 26: help out/hang out in Caldwell
saturday, august 27: reception for Dalin & Olivia in Caldwell!
sunday, august 28: church, drive to Provo, Donovan's 12th birthday!
monday, august 29: Dalin starts school
wednesday, august 31: move into our apartment in building 5C, number 300 at Wymount!